Author: Cynthia Njoki

finances for SACCOs vs Banks

SACCOs vs Banks: Which is the Better Option for Your Financial Needs?

SACCOs vs Banks: Which is the Better Option for Your Financial Needs? Financial management is one of the most important aspects of consideration among individuals. In this regard, there are many options that are available to kickstart the finance management journey. Two of the popular choices to compare are SACCOs vs Banks. They both offer […]

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An image of a credit risk assessment form used by SACCOs to evaluate the creditworthiness of loan applicants.

Credit Risks in SACCOs: Lessons from Successful SACCOs

Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) are important financial institutions that have played a key role in promoting financial inclusion, especially in rural areas where access to formal financial services is limited. SACCOs provide their members with access to credit and other financial services that help them improve their livelihoods. However, as with any financial institution, […]

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Example of a small business owner

Benefits of SACCO Membership for Small Business Owners

Small business owners play a critical role in the global economy. This is most especially due to their efforts in driving innovation, creating jobs, and contributing to local communities.  However, small business owners face numerous challenges. The challenges could range from a lack of ease in accessing credit to challenges in building networks and also […]

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Image of a graph showing an upward trend representing the strategies and tips for maximizing profits in a SACCO

Maximizing SACCO Profits: 6 Tips and Strategies

Maximizing SACCO profits has become essential as SACCOs are a crucial part of the financial landscape in many countries. Over time, Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) are becoming increasingly popular as a means of accessing financial services. SACCOs provide affordable credit, savings, and other financial services to their members. They operate on the principle […]

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Members joining hands together to collaborate
SACCO Software

SACCOs Collaborating on a Joint ICT Platform: Collaboration for Success

A joint ICT platform is a shared digital infrastructure that allows multiple SACCOs to collaborate and share information. By joining forces on a joint platform, SACCOs can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and access a range of digital services. This can help them better serve their members. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, collaboration is […]

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SACCOs uniting to embrace intersacco lending
Digital Loans

Embracing Intersacco Lending: The Future of Digital Sacco Lending

Embracing intersacco lending is the way to go for digital SACCOs to remain competitive and stay ahead in the ever-evolving financial industry. Intersacco lending refers to the practice of SACCOs lending to each other, either directly or through a central fund, to meet their members’ credit needs. In most instances, the lending is often at […]

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members passing a baton illustrating SACCO continuity

5 Steps for SACCO Continuity: A Member’s Guide

SACCO continuity can be defined as the ability of SACCOs to remain financially stable, grow and continue to provide quality financial services to their members. It is relevant as it ensures that members continue to access affordable financial services that meet their needs. It is also key in ensuring that SACCOs remain relevant in their […]

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members passing a baton illustrating SACCO continuity

Growing your money: Investing Through SACCOs

How SACCOs can help you grow your money Growing your money through a SACCO is basically moving from saving to investing. The transition to achieve financial security and independence is crucial. It begins with saving as the first step in building wealth. However, the process of growing your money, calls for an investment of the […]

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SACCO Funding: Boosting Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth

SACCO funding refers to the financial resources provided by the government, development partners, and other stakeholders to SACCOs. The funding aims to help SACCOs grow and develop. This is through the improvement of their operations and the promotion of financial inclusion in Kenya. Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) are a critical component of Kenya’s financial […]

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Image illustrating agriculture financing to smallholder farmers.

Empowering Smallholder Farmers: SACCOs Transforming Agriculture Financing

Empowering smallholder farmers in agriculture financing has been one of the strongholds that SACCOs have taken up in recent years. Smallholder farmers play a vital role in the agriculture sector. This is especially due to their huge contribution to food security and the economy.  However, there are significant challenges that these farmers face. These include […]

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